Things You'll Need
- Recent picture of pet
- Poster board-enough for several fliers
- Markers
- Sheet protector pockets
- Stapler
- Duct tape
Create a flier on any word processing program. Use the largest type possible for a short headline like "Lost Poodle" or "Missing Shepherd, Blue Collar." Center a very clear, recent picture of your dog below this. After the picture, in smaller type, add important information such as where the dog was lost, any distinguishing features and your phone number.
Lay a piece of fluorescent poster board on the table in front of you. Write "Reward" in large letters at the top of the board. Write "Lost Dog" in large letters at the bottom of the board. Use black marker to make the words more visible, and use stencils if your printing isn't easy to read.
Print out a stack of the fliers that you made. Slip one of the fliers into a page protector and staple it onto the middle of the poster board. This will help keep the flier legible in case of wind and rain.
Create nine more posters just like the first one. Hang your posters with strong duct tape to prominent phone poles and on busy street corners near your home.
Hand out the remainder of your fliers to neighbors and friends. Ask local business owners if you can post them in a window or leave a stack by the cash register. Alert all local pizza stores about the reward, as pizza drivers tend to drive all over an area over and over again throughout the day.