When a dog would like to play, it takes a bow. Its front end is lowered while its hind end is in the air. Its ears are up and forward, with its mouth relaxed as though it is smiling. Its eyes are relaxed and wide open and it is wagging its tail. It may or may not offer a playful bark.
A confident dog has a normal posture, slightly erect as though it is standing up straight with shoulders back. Its mouth and its eye are relaxed and its ears perked up. Its tail is up and wagging.
Fear in a dog starts with a crouched, low stance. The ears will be against the head, the tail down or between the dog's legs. It may be shivering or whining. Fear in a dog can turn into aggression.
There is no mistaking a growling dog, but an aggression stance does not always involve growling. The dog's hair will be up on its neck, usually called the hackles. Its body will be tense, its eyes narrow and its ears close to its head.
Many dogs are protective over their food, toys, surroundings and even people. The stance is similar to aggression but the eyes will be wide open and the dog's ears perked up. The hackles will be raised and the body tense.
Behavior Stance of a Dog
Dogs communicate with one another through their body language. They use all parts of the body to display what they are feeling. Identifying the basic stances will help you to know what your pooch is thinking.