Why Do Dogs Howl When They Hear Music?

Dogs do not howl because the sound of music or a siren hurts their ears. If that were the case, the dog would put his head down, rub his ears to the ground, try to get away from the sound, attempt to attack the source and maybe even hide, notes K9magazinefree.com and Mmilani.com. Howling doesn't have anything to do with ear pain. Rather it has to do with pleasure, relaxation, camaraderie and canine social networking. When dogs howl because of a siren or to music, they're probably communicating something but what or to whom is anyone's guess.
  1. Effects

    • If your dog starts howling when you start cranking out a tune on the piano or singing a song, do not take this as an insult. The howling is probably an indication that he wants to be part of the family and take part in whatever is going on. Howling is a dog's way of communicating. The other forms of canine communication include whining, growling and barking, explains PetPlace.com.


    • Some dogs howl when they hear music or sirens, some don't. No one knows exactly what triggers the howling instinct, but the high pitch sound of music or a siren may very well provoke the now dormant howling instinct in domestic dogs. Dogs have extremely sensitive ears and are particularly sensitive to the intensity of sounds.


    • PuppyWeb.com points out that howling at the sound of a siren may be an "imitative dog howl." The dog may think that another dog is making the sound, rather than the sound emanating from a siren, and the dog is responding. The howling can be an instinctive response to hearing what the dog interprets to be another howl from a dog in the distance.


    • Dogs are pack animals. Their ancestors are wolves. Howling is what they do and this instinct will never be completely bred out of them. Wolves keep in contact by howling.


    • Some dogs howl a lot, some do not. When you leave the house, your dog may howl because he is trying to re-establish contact with you. If he keeps howling, he may be experiencing separation anxiety.