Allergy to Dogs & Migraines

The common symptoms of dog allergies are well known. Sneezing, runny eyes and a runny nose are all evidence of an allergic reaction. However, a dog allergy can also cause migraines, especially in people who already suffer from headaches. Migraine headaches can make life miserable for suffers, but it is possible to manage the condition.
  1. Identification

    • Dog allergies can be difficult to diagnose. According to Web MD, 40 percent of American households have a dog, meaning that the majority of households are exposed to the dander that causes an allergic reaction, whether through direct contact with the dog itself or its owners. If you experience a migraine after coming into contact with a dog, its owners or a dog-friendly household, it is possible that an allergy triggered this kind of headache.


    • Migraines can seriously affect the quality of life of sufferers. As well as a chronic headache, sufferers can also experience vomiting, light sensitivity and stomach pain. While some migraines will come and go within hours, others can last for days. Although the exact cause of migraines is unknown, the headaches can begin after contact with certain environmental triggers, including allergens like dog dander.


    • According to Web MD, allergic reactions occur when our bodies react to certain substances as though they are harmful to us. Our immune systems produce a substance called histamine, which itself causes the typical symptoms of an allergy. As Clifford W. Bassett, MD, states, increased levels of histamine can cause migraines, as it cause swelling. Often, it is not the dog's hair that causes the reaction but dander--flakes of skin--saliva and urine.


    • There is no cure for allergies but the symptoms can be managed. Linda Foster, MA, says that the most effective way to control migraines caused by a dog allergy is to avoid dog allergens altogether. This can be challenging as dog dander can attach itself to its owners' clothes and be carried into other houses. Riboflavin (B12) vitamin supplements help reduce the severity of migraines but if the headaches persist, you can ask your doctor for some specific migraine medication.


    • Dog allergies and their symptoms can be easily misdiagnosed. Even if you are certain it is dog allergens that are triggering your symptoms, it is a good idea to ask your doctor for a test to confirm this. Migraines can also be caused by other allergens, such as pollen or substances your dog carries into the house on its coat. Once the source of the allergen has been removed, it can still take several months for the allergens and symptoms to disappear.