Historically, dogs have been pack animals---they want and need to live in groups. Adhering to their roots, as pets they make wonderful companions. They have great amounts of expression in their personalities, their antics are entertaining and they love being near their human families. It is heartwarming for a dog owner to find her pet waiting at the door for her whenever she arrives home. Cats as pets can be more independent, so they do not tend to offer as much close contact as dogs do.
Training and Intelligence
Dogs aim to please and crave their owner's approval. Therefore, they tend to be open to training; this includes obedience training and other types of training. Dogs can learn to sit, roll over and stay. Cats' independence tends to mean that they are not as willing to be trained. According to a study by the New Scientist that was cited at the Telegraph website, dogs have "greater ability to understand commands, problem solve and were generally more helpful," compared to cats.
For those people who enjoy going places, whether it's to the local park or on long road trips, dogs are usually better travelers than cats. This is because dogs tend to love going for rides in the car, whereas cats often feel the opposite way. Not only does this wind up being an issue of convenience, but the fun and companionship related to having your dog come along in your travels is another plus.
Health Benefits
Dogs need to take walks or run at least once a day, if not more often. This forces the owner to get out and exercise more, which leads to all the great health benefits of exercise. Cats, however, do not go for walks outside. An added plus to being out and about with a dog is that the owner tends to have more social interaction, in the form of meeting other dog owners and neighbors while walking.
A dog can be a great "security system" --- it can bark to alert the owner someone is near the door or house. Cats cannot do this. So having a dog as a pet can provide the owner with a sense of security. This is especially reassuring for certain types of people, such as the elderly who live alone.
According to The Humane Society of the United States, more people are allergic to cats than to dogs. So for pet owners who are concerned about allergies, dogs can be a better option than cats, not only because of health but also from a cost standpoint. The expenses involved in getting allergy medications and medical care because of cat allergies can add up quickly.