Rottweiler Dogs & Children

While most of the time dogs make a great addition to any family, certain breeds of dogs do require a second thought before deciding on impulse which type you will bring home. Rottweilers are one of the dogs that require extra consideration before they are brought into a home that has small children. Because these dogs are so strong and large, they can often cause injury to a small child even when they never intended to do so.
  1. Size

    • The rottweiler is a very strong and big dog but it is also very loyal and its instincts are to be a protector. Because of this, the rottweiler does not make a good pet for everyone. Rottweilers usually weigh in at over 100 lbs. and must be controlled all of the time. The rottweiler is very territorial and is a good guard dog.

    Noise Sensitivity

    • The rottweiler is very sensitive to loud noises, loud laughing and screams, which makes them not always the best pet to have in a home where small children might be running around and being loud. This is not the case for every rottweiler and can vary according to the individual dog. Some rottweilers just adore small children, but others are very sensitive to the torment that small children often inflict on animals unknowingly.


    • Having Rottweilers around homes with children can pose a problem because of the dog's size. Rottweilers are so big that they often bump into small children, causing them to fall down and possibly resulting in injury. This behavior comes from their being bred as herders, when they would bump cattle to keep them in line. Because of this quality, many breeders will advise waiting until the children are school age before choosing a rottweiler as a family pet.


    • If you have small children and a rottweiler, they should never be left together without adult supervision. This is true even if you really trust your dog, because a rottweiler can and will only tolerate so much from a child before retaliating, and although it never intended to hurt a child, sometimes it just happens.

    Neighborhood Children

    • If neighborhood children visit your home, insist that they follow certain rules. These rules should especially include not feeding your dog or taking food or toys away from him. If children do not follow these rules, there is a chance that the rottweiler may become defiant.


    • Rottweiler owners have to train their dog to be patient with children since this is not a trait that comes naturally to them. It is also important to teach your children how to deal with your dog and what is allowed and what is not. There are certain things that your rottweiler will consider to be its own, since they are very territorial, and these things should not be touched by children.