Clean up or you could get a fine. Individual communities have different laws on where dogs are allowed to be walked. This also expands to where they are allowed to relieve themselves. Some communities will not allow a dog to defecate in certain areas even if the owner cleans up after the dog. However, most areas allow a dog to be walked and picked-up after on any public street or road, but prohibit this on private property.
Pick up the Poo
No one wants to step in dog poo. Laws vary but the standard is that once the doggie goes, the owner or whoever is walking the dog must immediately scoop up the waste. They can use a shovel, baggie or whatever is going to work for them. The waste is then taken home with them to be disposed of. These laws are usually referred to as "pooper scooper" rules.
What to do with the poo
Dispose of the poop. Some communities have rules on disposal of the waste. Most people will flush the poo or dispose of it in their trash cans. Localities that do have laws on the disposal of the feces will typically require it to be flushed or wrapped and put in the trash. The reasoning behind this is that they do not want the feces to get into storm drains where it could possibly wind up in water systems.
Rules for Curbing Your Dog
Every state has laws on curbing your dog, which means cleaning up his droppings or fecal matter. Understanding the laws in your particular state and abiding by them is important for you, the community and your dog. The genesis of the phrase "curb your dog" was the idea that if dogs walked on the curb, their waste would fall on the street, where it could be swept up by the street cleaners.