What Are the Benefits of Having Two Dogs?

Although having two dogs will cost more in time and money, there are several advantages to adding a second dog to the family. These benefits include providing a companion for your dog, more exercise for your dog, and fun for the pet owner.
  1. Social Interaction

    • Two dogs in the family can provide each other with companionship while you are away at work or play. Multiple-dog owners see a strong bond form between the dogs since dogs are essentially pack animals and are naturally attuned to pack living.

    Training Easier with Second Dog

    • Training a second dog is much easier than training the first. As pack animals they learn by example. Potty training, commands and walk training is easier for the new dog as it has an example to learn from.

    More Fun

    • Probably the single most sited benefit by multiple dog owners is that two dogs provide you with twice the companionship and entertainment.

    More Exercise

    • Play fighting, a natural activity for any dog, is one of the best ways dogs can burn off energy and stay fit with exercise. A single dog simply can't play fight alone.

    Younger Dog Rejuvenates Older Dog

    • Younger dogs naturally have more energy and can revitalize an older dog, possibly even extending the older dog's lifespan.

    Therapy for Shy Dog or Loss of Pet

    • Shy dogs can benefit from a companion as the second dog boosts its confidence. For pet owners with an older dog, adding a second dog can help ease the transition when the older dog finally passes.