How to Prepare a Last Will & Testament Including Dogs

We all know the saying that a dog is a man's best friend. Given this, it's no surprise that in many states it is possible to provide for your dog in your will by creating a trust fund for your beloved pet. This is possible in 38 states, according to Frances Carlisle of Dog Time online. A trust fund is a more reliable way to take care of your pet after your death compared to simply leaving money to the pet's new guardian for that purpose.


  1. Pet Trust Fund Method

    • 1

      Decide who you want to own your dog after you die. Make sure this person is able and willing to be your dog's future owner.

    • 2

      Open a trust fund for your dog (if it is allowed in your state). Name the person you chose in Step 1 as the trustee.

    • 3

      Include a clause in your last will and testament leaving your dog to the person you chose. Your dog is technically property, so it must be included in the will if you want to make sure the proper person receives it.

    No Pet Trust Fund Method

    • 4

      Decide who you want to own your dog after you die.

    • 5

      Include a clause in your last will and testament leaving your dog and a certain amount of money for its care to the person you chose in Step 1.

    • 6

      Leave the dog to one person and the money to another if you are not sure the first person will use the money as you desire, suggests Dog Law. You can stipulate in your will that the person who receives the money should provide a certain amount each month to the person who receives the dog for the dog's care.