Pug Puppy Development

While your pug will only be a puppy for a few short months, this is the stage that is most crucial for good health and behavior. As your puppy grows, you will need to increase training, but don't forget to enjoy the youthful exuberance of your pug before it disappears.
  1. The First Few Weeks

    • A good pug breeder will not release a puppy until he is between 8 and 16 weeks old. In that time, the puppy is becoming socialized with his litter mates. Not only does staying with Mom and the litter teach your pug how to be a dog, but it also keeps him safe as he begins to explore the world.


    • Most pugs will begin weaning their pups between the fourth and seventh week. Food can be introduced as the puppies nurse less. This is a crucial time for training and socialization from both Mom and humans.

    Leaving the Pack

    • Between 8 and 16 weeks, your pug is ready to move to his new home. He will be looking for an alpha dog in the house and can begin training. Puppies will naturally be fearful as they explore and make many mistakes as they become house trained.


    • From 2 to 6 months old, your pug will begin to explore the world on his own, testing boundaries. Expect play-biting and fighting, dominance issues and possible marking behavior during this stage of development. Puppies are also teething and will want to chew on everything.

    Growing Up

    • After six months of age, you will notice many of the problem behaviors disappearing in your pug puppy as her training takes hold. Remember, your pug is still a puppy, so expect an overload of energy, occasional accidents and occasional naughty pug behavior. It is crucial to step up training at this point, so that your pug puppy turns into a well-adjusted pug dog.