Dog Laws in Florida

Owning a dog requires a great deal of responsibility and there are laws in place to make sure that owners remain responsible. Whether the owner is a pet store attempting sell a dog or a person who is caring for a dangerous dog, laws in Florida ensure certain actions are taken, such as vet visits, spaying/neutering and vaccinations. Abiding by Florida dog laws should help make society safer for dogs and the community at large.
  1. Dog Bite Law

    • In the state of Florida when a dog bites a person or another animal, the owner of the dog is liable for all damages incurred from the bite whether or not the dog was on a leash or in private or public place. Additionally, even if the dog does not have a history of aggressive behavior, the owner is still liable for the damages. The only exception is if the dog was provoked or if the victim ignored a posted warning sign. In either of these cases, the responsibility of either party would be determined an impartial third party. Finally, if the dog has a past involving aggressive behavior, the owner may be charged with a misdemeanor.

    Mandatory Sterilization

    • In order to control the overpopulation of pets, Florida law mandates that any dog adopted from a shelter or organization such as the Humane Society must be spayed or neutered as a part of the adoption agreement. Any party that does not have their pet spayed or neutered within a certain time frame will be subject to a fine.

    Lemon Law

    • Florida law requires that pet stores or breeders who sell at least two litters of dogs a year must accurately represent the age, sex and health condition of the dogs they sell. If a new pet owner takes the dog to the veterinarian and the dog is found to be unhealthy, the breeder or pet store owner will be required to accept the dog back for a refund or exchange the dog for another animal. The purchaser is also entitled to reimbursement covering all veterinarian expenses for any illnesses for that animal following purchase.