How to Stop Dog Aggression Toward Humans

Many dogs, such as Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers, are unfairly labeled as bad breeds that have a tendency to be aggressive. The truth is, any dog can become aggressive toward humans, and can bite or attack a family member, friend or neighbor. A dog that is labeled dangerous can be taken away from his owners and put to sleep. There are several ways to curb your dog's aggressive tendencies so she does not harm any of the people in your life.


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      Avoid playing games with your dog that are rough or will bring out his aggressive, dominant side. Games such as tug-of-war will teach the dog that it is okay to be violent toward a human or a toy. Also, do not allow your children to jump or handle the dog in a forceful way. The dog's natural reaction will be a violent one, and this could result in the dog's biting or nipping at the child.

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      Avoid speaking the word "attack" around your dog, or teaching her the attack command. This is especially important if your dog has recently been adopted from a local animal shelter because he may have been taught this command by a previous owner, and may end up attacking you or someone else.

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      Contact your veterinarian. Your dog may have a chemical imbalance or another illness that is causing her aggressive tendencies. Your vet will be able to come up with a plan of action to lessen or eliminate the problem.

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      Schedule your dog to be spayed or neutered. Many times a dog's aggressive nature will be greatly lessened, or completely eliminated, if he is fixed.

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      Keep your dog away from people or situations that cause an aggressive response. For instance, if your dog acts aggressively toward a particular neighbor, do not allow the dog to be near that person.