How to Care for a Dapple Dachshund

All dachshunds are small dogs that usually live in the house with the family. Another name for dachshunds is ̶0;wiener dogs̶1; because of their long bodies. A dapple dachshund has a coat of fur that is usually two colors. Taking care of a dapple dachshund is an important part of the routine of the dog̵7;s life. There are several ways to take care of a dapple dachshund that is the same as other dogs, but they do have a few unique needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Specially formulated dog bones
  • Dog brush
  • Flea and tick treatment (optional)
  • Moisturizing dog shampoo
  • Dog sweaters
  • 1 cup dog food (per day)
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      Notice if your dapple dachshund gets upset when he knows you are leaving and will be gone for a while. Do not leave him alone for hours at a time as dapple dachshunds like to be with other family members. Make sure his bed is comfortable before you leave, and give him a treat to let him know you love him and will be back. Give specially formulated dog bones that help with the cleaning of his teeth and freshening of his breath.

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      Brush out dapple dachshund fur regularly to remove dust, debris and loose hair with a dog brush. Keep in mind that even short hair dapple dachshunds need this treatment on a daily basis. Use this time to look for ticks and fleas as well. If you notice any, apply flea and tick treatments to his fur and skin right away.

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      Take your dapple dachshund on a daily walk. Exercising is necessary for dachshunds as they tend to get heavy in the belly as they get older, which causes back problems. Prevent your dog from becoming overweight by watching his food intake and getting regular exercise.

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      Bathe your dapple dachshund once every two to three weeks. Use a shampoo that moisturizes the skin as they have a tendency to get dry skin, which causes itching and then raw spots.

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      Give your dog clothes, such as dog sweaters, in cool weather. Keep in mind that dapple dachshunds get cold very easily. They tend to lay in the sunny spots in your home even when the weather is hot outside, or they may lay near a heat source during the winter months.

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      Watch food intake. Try not to feed your dapple dachshund people food, which is one of the things that causes excess weight gain. Watch the ingredients you give him even in dog food. Look for dog foods and treats without added coloring, which sometimes gives them a stomachache. Give them about 1 cup of dog food per day, otherwise they may gorge themselves and then throw up.

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      Take dapple dachshunds to visit the vet annually. Keep all shots up to date, and get the vet to trim your dog̵7;s nails if you do not do it at home.