Dog Aggression & Children

No matter what a dog's reason for aggression may be, an aggressive dog can pose a serious threat to a child. Keep the dog and the child separate from each other at all times.
  1. Causes

    • Several things can contribute to canine aggression. For example, a dog may become aggressive if a child is intentionally or accidentally mistreating it. Fear and pain can cause a dog to become aggressive as well. If the dog is guarding something or someone, he may lash out. Aggression can also be caused by the absence of a dominant owner. It is important to take all types of aggression seriously regardless of the cause.

    Sudden Aggression

    • Sudden aggression may be due to illness or injury. In this case, take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible to rule out medical causes before proceeding with behavior modification methods.


    • Never hit or kick a dog. If you physically abuse a dog, you run the risk of injuring the animal as well as teaching it how to be aggressive. Train children how to pet and play with a dog properly.

    Expert Insight

    • According to dog trainer Cesar Milan, changing an aggressive dog's behavior starts with changing the way the owner interacts with the dog.


    • Never leave very young children alone with dogs. Both dogs and young children can be unpredictable and someone may get hurt.