How to Keep a Dog Out of a Cat Box

Many dogs enjoy snacking between meals on cat feces. This is not only an unpleasant habit to witness, but it also can cause health problems--such as parasites and digestive disorders--for your dog. Your home may suffer too, as the dog drags cat waste and litter out of the box and into other areas of the residence. There are several ways to prevent your dog from getting into the cat's litter box. The right method will depend partly on the size of your dog and the mobility of your cat. The surest way to prevent your dog from getting into the cat box is to remove its access.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet gate (childproof gate)
  • Dog vitamin supplements
  • Digestive enzymes
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      Choose a room or closet in your house in which you want the cat box. A small closet is ideal because it will have less space to block off from your dog.

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      Install a pet gate at the entrance. The pet gate should be tall enough to prevent your dog from jumping over, yet short enough to allow your cat to move over it. You can place a sturdy table or chair near the gate to provide easier access for the cat.

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      Feed your dog nutritional supplements and digestive enzymes, as suggested by, in case a nutritional deficiency is stimulating the dog's desire for the cat box contents.