How to Get a New Puppy to Sleep

A new puppy will often have a difficult time sleeping through the night. The puppy is used to being with its mother and litter mates, but in the dark the puppy is all alone. This makes the puppy whine in loneliness and often a bit of fear. Many young pups also cannot go all night without eliminating, so they will whine when they have to eliminate. There are several steps that a new owner can take to make a puppy sleep through the night and to ease its fear.

Things You'll Need

  • Robe
  • Slippers
  • Leash
  • Flashlight
  • Crate
  • Dog bed
  • Alarm clock
  • Blanket
  • Stuffed animal
  • Radio
  • Wind-up clock
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    • 1

      Place the puppy's crate or dog bed beside your bed. Do not let the puppy sleep in the bed with you, but let him sleep beside you in its own bed. Being in the same room with his owners will often help a puppy to successfully sleep through the night.

    • 2

      Place a blanket or stuffed toy in the crate or dog bed with the puppy. The blanket or stuffed animal should hold a scent of the puppy's dam and litter mates. This will help ease the puppy's fears so he can sleep more restfully.

    • 3

      Place a ticking clock or play a radio on low for your puppy. Many puppies cannot sleep in a quiet room. A little bit of background noise soothes the puppy and allows him to fall into a restful sleep.

    • 4

      Take the puppy out to eliminate before bed. Watch to be sure the puppy at least urinates before taking him to bed. If the puppy should wake up in the middle of the night with incessant crying, take him outside again to potty.

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      Remove all food and water from your puppy at least three hours before bed. This will help cut down on the need to eliminate during the night

    • 6

      Play with your puppy quietly before bed. Avoid being overly exuberant. Remember that a wound-up puppy is less likely to sleep. The hour before bed should be peaceful and fairly quiet.

    • 7

      Set your alarm clock to take the puppy outside to potty at least once during the night. Puppies will not sleep if they eliminate in their dog bed or crate. A puppy also cannot sleep with a full bladder or the need to defecate. Taking the puppy outside once during the night to potty will help him sleep easier during the night.