The Best Dogs for Home Defense

The best dogs for home defense are those that both command a presence by their appearance and sounds, but also in their temperament. Certain dogs were originally bred for the purpose of being protectors of land and livestock. When bred properly, these dogs make some the best home defense pets because it is inherent in their nature.
  1. Rottweiler

    • Rottweilers originated in Germany as guard dogs that protected herds of cattle while they traveled from market to market. The rottweiler is a large dog that possesses a strong mind. This strong mind allows the rottweiler to be a smart dog that can be easily trained. When teaching a rottweiler it is necessary to have this training completed by a professional. Rottweilers possess protective instincts without being trained, therefore you will want to avoid over stimulating these instincts by conducting your own training.

      Prospective rottweiler owners should seek a trustworthy breeder to avoid ending up with a poorly bred dog. Skewed breeding lines can have a serious impact on the dog̵7;s behavior and learning ability. The pottweiler is not recommended for a first-time dog owner as they possess a high drive that must be channeled correctly.


    • The Doberman is a dog that is highly intelligent and is excellent for search and rescue missions, assisting police officers and is used often as a guide for the blind. The Doberman has a sleek body type and they can grow to be a large-sized animal. Their appearance is one that gives the impression of strength, courage and endurance.

      The Doberman is loyal, incredibly trainable and highly intelligent. This is a dog that will do just about anything to make its owner happy. A Doberman has the ability to be friendly and absolutely calm when relaxing with its family, but can be equally ruthless and absent of fear when confronted with hostile situation.

      It is necessary to buy a Doberman from a breeder with a good reputation as you want to avoid any behavioral problems that can arise when the bloodlines become blurred from poor breeding. Be certain to provide regular discipline with the Doberman to help create proper habits and guidelines they must always follow.

    Brazilian Mastiff

    • The Brazilian mastiff looks like a combination of a bloodhound and mastiff. This is a fearless animal that was bred during the 19th century in an effort to protect Brazilian plantations. The signature feature of this dog is its massive head. The joints of this mastiff are loose in the spine and legs, which allow for sudden direction changes while running.

      The face of the Brazilian mastiff often appears sad while resting, but appears excited during a state of alert. This dog is very confidant and fearless during virtually any situation. When confronted with strangers and unfamiliar situations the Brazilian mastiff will not disguise its aversion. However, they are equally affectionate and docile toward their human family.

      This is not a dog suited for everyone. With their aversion to strangers, it can become an issue if you regularly have unfamiliar people entering the home. The Brazilian mastiff requires a responsible owner who will provide a stable home and understands the need for socialization while the animal is in the puppy stage.