How to Make a Potty Area for Dogs on a Balcony

Having a dog when living in a condo or apartment can be inconvenient, especially if the apartment is above the ground floor. A small potty area can be designed and installed on a balcony, offering the dog a place to go when the owner does not want to, or cannot, take it for a walk. Dogs that are getting older and can no longer climb up and down a flight of stairs will also benefit from having a small place to go potty on the balcony.

Things You'll Need

  • Masking tape
  • Plastic
  • Stone border edging
  • Gravel, mulch or small river stones
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      Select a section on the patio to block off for the dog̵7;s potty area. Mark this area with masking or painter̵7;s tape. The size of the area you select will depend on the size of your dog and the patio. Generally, a space that is approximately 4-feet by 4-feet is large enough for a balcony potty area.

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      Lay down a piece of plastic or a heavy trash bag over the designated area. Secure the plastic to the balcony using masking tape.

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      Create a border around the potty area using stone border edging found at local garden centers. The stone border should be no more than a few inches high, just enough to separate the potty area from the rest of the balcony. Place the stone pieces edge to edge around the entire perimeter of the potty area.

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      Fill in the potty area with gravel, mulch or small river stones. You could also use a small patch of grass, but you will need to maintain it by watering and trimming it regularly.