Caretaking for a Doberman Pinscher

As a caretaker for a Doberman Pinscher, you need to understand that the dog̵7;s first loyalty and affection is to his family, not to you. If you are familiar with the dog, and you should be, offer it affection and kindness along with the food, water, exercise and companionship that it̵7;ll need from you. A Doberman that has received proper training and dedication from his family will probably respond well to familiar commands coming from you. If not, have patience, as Dobermans are very intelligent.
  1. Basic Care

    • When caretaking for a Doberman, be sure to provide food and water every day in the same routine as offered by the owner. The Doberman will fare best if it̵7;s fed the same food at the same time. If you̵7;re just visiting the dog as a caretaker, that is, not providing in-home care, be sure the dog has enough water until the next time you come. If the dog needs grooming, brush it or rub it down. Clips its nails if needed. Check its ears to see if they need cleaning, and clean them using wet-wipes if they do. Watch the Doberman to see if the dog is eating and drinking normally.


    • Dobermans were bred as a working dog and exercise for them is a necessity. Walk the Doberman at least once a day and more often if possible. As working guard dogs, Dobermans are meant to be active all day. If possible, provide a place where the dog can run at full speed. The website Gentle Doberman says these dogs needs an open area where the dog can run at high speeds to get the exercise they require on a daily basis. Caretaking may not allow you to provide for the dog̵7;s needs as well as its owner, but do the best you can by taking it on long walk whenever you can.


    • The most fundamental requirement for a pet caretaking job is the love of animals. If you have that, then expressing affection for your temporary charges comes naturally. Dobermans are family dogs. They need people companions if they̵7;ve been well-raised and well-treated. They are also affectionate dogs, loving and loyal. As a Doberman̵7;s caretaker, you should provide affection as well. The dog may or may not return the affection as its loyalty is to its owners and family. However the Doberman reacts, it̵7;ll be more settled and relaxed with a kind and affectionate caretaker than one who gives it basic care but ignores him otherwise.


    • One way of providing the fulfilling exercise a Doberman needs is by playing with it. The dog needs to run and throwing a Frisbee or playing fetch with a ball is a good way to allow it to run. Be sure the Doberman̵7;s owner has already played these games with the dog first, so it knows the game̵7;s rules. Have a good time running around with the dog, and it will enjoy running with you. Be sure to provide the Doberman's toys to it when you bring it home.