How to Keep a Puppy Comfy on a Long Ride

According to the old saying, "Dog is man's best friend." If you're planning a long road trip and taking your best friend with you, keeping the puppy comfortable is important for a successful ride. Provide your puppy with creature comforts and necessities to make travel as easy on her, and you, as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog bed
  • Blankets
  • Crate
  • Toys
  • Leash
  • Dog food
  • Water
  • Bowls
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      Bring along your puppy's dog bed or create a bed out of blankets or sheets. Put the bed on the back seat of the car, or in the trunk area if the car has a trunk space that is open to the rest of the car. If you're dog is crate trained, take her crate along and set it up in the back seat or open trunk space of the car.

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      Keep the temperature of the car comfortable. A temperature that is comfortable to you will also be comfortable to your dog. If it gets chilly, turn on the heat; if it gets hot, open a window or turn on the air conditioning or a fan.

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      Offer your puppy toys to play with and chew on during the car ride. Bring a supply of toys that you would allow your puppy to play with at home.

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      Take breaks often. Pull over in a safe area and take your puppy for a walk, allowing him to stretch his legs, relieve himself, take a drink and have something to eat. Keep your dog on a leash.

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      Bring fresh water, food, treats and clean bowls on the car ride. Offer the puppy drinks and meals on breaks. Provide her with treats while driving to keep her comfortable and let her know she's doing a good job.

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      Take another human along. Another person besides the driver can help to keep your puppy occupied and make him feel more comfortable on a long car ride.