How to Enclose a Backyard for Dogs

Many dogs are full of energy and love to run and play outside, and a backyard is an ideal place for a dog to run and play. However, if your backyard is not enclosed, your dog may not be able to resist the urge to run wild through the neighborhood and put itself and getting injured or lost. To protect your dog, it's important to carefully enclose your yard so your dog can safely burn energy. It is also important to be thorough when enclosing your yard, as many dogs find ways to get around -- or through -- a fence.


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      Build a fence around your yard. This can be chain link, wooden slat or stone. Make sure the fence is high enough so that the dog can̵7;t jump over it.

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      Line the bottom of the fence with chicken wire or chain link if it does not reach the ground. You can also line the fence with large rocks to block the space at the bottom of the fence to dissuade the dog from digging around the fence line.

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      Make sure the dog does not dig in flower beds that abut the house. Some dogs are so determined to get out of the yard, they'll dig a shallow ditch under the corner of the house to get around the fence.