What Are the Smartest Dogs?

Dog owners and dog lovers often express interest in which dog breeds top the list of most intelligent. A dog's intelligence is determined by its ability to learn tricks, participate in task-oriented activities and practice obedience.
  1. Smartest Dog

    • The world's smartest dog breed is the border collie. Originally bred to herd sheep and cattle, this dog consistently performs well on agility, obedience and task-oriented abilities.

    Top Ten List

    • The top ten smartest dogs are the border collie, standard poodle, German shepherd, golden retriever, Doberman pinscher, Shetland sheepdog, Labrador retriever, papillon, rottweiler, and Australian cattle dog, according to FamousDogBreeds.com.

    Working Dogs

    • Several dogs on the top ten list, like Australian cattle dogs, German shepherds and Shetland sheepdogs, are happiest when performing activities like herding animals or serving as therapy or rescue dogs. Keeping them busy prevents them from destroying an owner's property in attempts to stay entertained.

    Guard Dogs

    • Intelligent dogs are often protective of their owners and property. Dogs like Doberman pinschers, rottweilers and German shepherds make excellent guard dogs.

    Family Dogs

    • Many of the smartest dogs are happy and affectionate breeds making them excellent family dogs. Some of the best include standard poodles, golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers.