Tips for First Night Home With Puppy

The first night with a new puppy can be an exciting and tense night for both of you.. There are a few ways to make your little friend feel right at home that first night and make his transition from stranger to new family member much easier.
  1. Food and Water

    • Give your puppy her last meal around 5 p.m. and do not let her have any food or water after 7 p.m.. This will help make your night easier because you will not have to take your puppy out as often and you'll reduce the likelihood of accidents. Take your puppy out to potty right before you place her where she will be sleeping.

    Release Energy

    • Play a game of fetch or tug of war with a chew toy right before bed. This will help eliminate any nervous energy your puppy might have and make him feel right at home when he sees what a fun new family he is going to live with.

    Where the Puppy Sleeps

    • Let your puppy sleep in your bedroom with you to cut down on any anxiety she might feel. Make your puppy a bed on the floor with an old blanket or a puppy bed. Do not allow her to sleep in bed with you or you will set up a pattern that will be hard to break later. If your puppy decides to wake in the night and wander, you can either put her in a puppy crate or place her in a room in your home that you won't mind cleaning up the next morning.


    • If your puppy whines, take him out to potty. Assume that a puppy that is 2 months old will have to go every three hours. If this is not the case, your puppy might be looking for a little attention, so pet him, give him a little hug and place him back in bed. Do not scold your new puppy for crying and do not go to your puppy every time he cries. You will have many sleepless nights with a puppy who assumes that whining will bring attention.

    The Next Morning

    • The next morning, immediately take your puppy outside after she wakes. Remember to praise your puppy for using your lawn and not your carpet for a toilet.