What Steps Do I Take If I Lost My Dog?

It can be devastating to lose your dog. It's important to remain calm and gather as many people as possible to help you in the search. There are steps you can take to increase your chances of finding the dog.
  1. Search the House

    • When you first notice that your dog is missing, check everywhere in the house. Ask everyone who lives with you when they saw your dog last. Rattle a bag of treats. The dog may be hiding and will often come out if he is motivated with treats.

    Search the Neighborhood

    • Walk or ride around your neighborhood to search. Ask neighbors if they have seen your pet. Bring a photo of your dog to show them so he can easily be identified.

    Call Around

    • According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, "Your first calls should be to all the animal control agencies, shelters, both municipal and private and rescue groups in your area. One of them could have your pet in custody already. Check in with the bigger shelters daily and pay your visits in person, if possible. If there are no shelters close to your home, contact the police."

    Create a Flyer

    • Design a lost pet flyer. Include all of your contact information and a recent photo of your dog. Distribute them throughout the neighborhood; include local businesses.

    Keep At It

    • Check in with neighbors, shelters, rescue groups and animal control officers daily for updates.