How to Prevent Dogs from Fighting

A dogfight between two aggressive dogs could end badly and cause lots of problems. It's very difficult to stop a dogfight without injuring yourself or the dogs. Because of this, the best solution is to prevent dogfights from happening in the first place. There are some simple precautions and steps you can take to avoid dogfighting.


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      The first thing you need to do is make sure your dog has a sturdy and secure collar attached to its neck at all times. If your dog shows any signs of aggressive behavior and tries to fight, pull back on the collar right away. Ensure you are holding the collar with a tight grip so you can have enough force to pull away from an impending dogfight.

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      Always carry a noisemaker when your dog is with you. You can purchase a small air horn or buzzer from your local pet store to carry with you when you take your dog to a park or other attractions. If your dog comes in contact with another aggressive dog and there is a potential for a dogfight, use your noisemaker right away; it will distract both dogs long enough for you to hold your dog back.

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      When you go somewhere and your dog doesn't pick fights, praise it for being good while socializing with other dogs. Positive reinforcement promotes good behavior with your dog and teaches it that it will get a reward for good behavior.

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      Avoid playing rough with a dog when it is a puppy. It may be grow up to be nice with you, but it may pick fights with other dogs because that's how it played growing up and it thinks it's the right way to play. Do not encourage the dog to jump or bite during play.

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      When your dog is a puppy, make sure you establish that you are the alpha leader--in other words, that you are dominant over your dog. You want to do this to make sure that the dog knows you are the one in charge and that it has to listen to you.

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      Learn to recognize the signs of an impending conflict. A dog that is about to become aggressive usually exhibits certain signs such as a hard stare, a stiff tail, hair standing on end and growling. If you recognize these signs, you need to break the dog's will to fight. You can do this by simply pulling the dog away from the conflict or using a spray bottle to break your dog's concentration.