Natural Ways to Stop Seizures in Dogs

Seizures can be scary for a pet owner. If a pet has more than one seizure a month, seek medical attention for your dog. There are several drug related therapies to help a dog with seizures, as well as alternative, natural therapies which do away with the possibility of any side effects.
  1. Diet

    • Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar in the body, can cause seizures. A poor diet can contribute to a dog having seizures, so monitor and change the dog's diet to help prevent future incidents. Buy natural foods that do not have additives and preservatives. Sodium nitrate, coloring additives and stabilizers can cause abnormal brain activity in a dog causing seizures. Cook your own food for the dog, including plenty of fresh vegetables. About 80 percent of the diet should consist of raw meat. Also, exercise your dog regularly to help it digest its food properly.


    • Have acupuncture performed on your dog in addition to normal medical treatment to help reduce stress in the dog that may cause seizures. Needles are placed in ten pressure points in the dog's body, relaxing muscles, promoting blood flow and healing nerve damage. Vitamins can be added to the treatment to aid in its effectiveness.

    Sensitive Substances

    • Protect your dog from seizures by eliminating materials from the home that may cause seizures. Many manmade substances can cause seizures in sensitive dogs. Not all dogs will be sensitive to the same materials, so experimenting over time will eliminate harmful products from the home. Chemicals and products known to cause seizures in some dogs include cigarette smoke, hair spray, sugar, plastic, BHA and BHT (dog food additives), cheap ceramic bowls and lead. Not all triggers are possible to eliminate, but reducing their prevalence in the home will help.