What Is Good Bedding for a Doghouse?

There are many options when choosing bedding for your doghouse. Veterinarians at the Animal Vet Center say some materials work better than others. Whatever you choose, all vets agree that the bedding should be dry.
  1. Common Types of Bedding

    • Blankets, towels, carpet pieces and newspaper are common types of bedding used in a doghouse. According to the Animal Vet Center, these types of beds attract fleas and ticks. When wet, cold and damp, they also have the potential of becoming a breeding ground for mold and mildew.

    Advantages of Cedar Shavings

    • Experts at the Animal Vet Center claim cedar shavings repel fleas and ticks. The oils in the cedar actually ward off these parasites.

    Disadvantages of Cedar Shavings

    • Using cedar shavings solely as your dog's bedding can cause an allergic outbreak in your pet. If you're going to use this type of shavings, vets at the Animal Vet Center recommend putting a liner over the shavings. This will minimize the possibility of your dog having an allergic reaction.

    Using an Exercise Mat for Bedding

    • An exercise mat would also work as a bed for a doghouse. Experts at All About Dog Houses say fleas and ticks cannot penetrate foam-covered mats. They recommend covering the mat with a layer of cedar shavings.

    Keeping the Bedding Warm

    • Builders at Dog House Plans recommend keeping your doghouse off the ground. They claim this will help keep your dog's bedding dry. This will also help insulate the doghouse during the winter months.