Fun Party Games for Dogs

Dogs are more than adorable companions; they are celebrated members of the family. If you plan to throw a doggy birthday or holiday party, choose a few games that will keep your canine guests occupied and their owners snapping photos. Ensure that the games don't promote aggression and ask the owner's permission if you plan any games that involve treats or food. Have ample space and a dog-friendly area to execute games and ask a few dog moms or dads to help.
  1. Bobbing for Hot Dogs

    • Dogs will bob for one of their favorite treats---hot dogs. Fill a small plastic wading pool with water and float a dozen cooked hot dogs in the pool. Gather the puppies around the pool and let them try to grab the hot dogs from the water. Prepare for a wet outcome as many larger, water-friendly dogs may jump in the pool for their hot dogs. Other dogs may not catch on immediately, so take the hot dog from the water and show it to him. Give him a small piece so he tastes it and then let him watch you place it back in the water. If he still doesn't go for it, reward him with the hot dog treat anyway.

    Paw Painting

    • Give each owner a set of their puppy's paws to hang on the refrigerator as a reminder of the day. This game is extremely messy so clear a spot outdoors, away from the house. Create nontoxic dog friendly paint as described in

      Lay out large pieces of white shiny freezer paper, available at the local grocery store. Dip a sponge in the desired color and paint the dog's paw. Lead him around the paper so that she "paints" the paper. Another option is to hold her paw on the paper. Dip her feet in a bucket of clean water or simply hose her off when you are finished. Section and label the area with the dog's name and lay the sheets of paper over a fence to dry. Cut out the painted sections for each dog and give to the dog's owner before the party ends.

    Potato and Spoon Race

    • Dog and owner must work together to win this game. The object of the game is to see which dog and owner combination can walk a short distance without dropping their potato on the spoon. Give each owner a potato, spoon and his dog on a leash. The owner must place the spoon in the same hand he is holding the leash and then add the potato to the spoon.

      Set up a chair 20 inches away. Place two chairs 20 inches away to design two simultaneous races. Owners must walk to the chair, round the chair and return to the starting line with the dog on leash, holding the potato on the spoon. If you drop the potato you must pick it up, place it back on the spoon and continue the race.