Not All Screens are the Same
The typical screen material used for most doors and windows is a light-weight mesh made out of aluminum or fiberglass. Since it is not constructed to withstand much weight against it, it tears and stretches fairly easily. There is dog-resistant screen material available, however, and it is not much more expensive than regular screening. It tends, though, only to be available online, as most store retailers do not stock it.
Dog screening is seven times stronger than regular screen material, and can easily withstand the weight of a full grown labrador retriever standing up against it on hind legs.
Hardware Cloth
Some screen doors are made in such a way that makes it very difficult to replace the screen. Most of these doors have two or more screen panels on them. In this case, you can avoid rips by cutting a couple of pieces of hardware cloth slightly larger than the screen opening, and then stapling them with a staple gun to each side of the opening's wooden frame. Hardware cloth is made of steel, and it comes with different size openings for its mesh. For most dogs, a 1/8th inch opening is fine, their toe nails won't fit through them. Just make sure that your piece of hardware cloth overlaps each edge of the screen opening by about half an inch on each side.
Dog Doors
If your screen door is your pet's main entrance in and out of the house, consider installing a dog door in the bottom panel. Some companies make replacement panels that are half screen and half dog door, but you could just as easily remove the bottom panel altogether and fit in just a dog door. Dog doors are available both at most pet supply shops and from online vendors.
The Best of Both Worlds
Some companies make dog doors out of framed screens. The screen material is of the heavy duty variety described above, and the screen panel itself is the hinged panel that allows the dog to come in and out.
Instant Screens
Instant screens were developed to replace sliding screen doors. They are also convenient for use by dogs. Invisible screens are made up of two narrow screen panels hanging from a rod and weighted but not tied down at their bottoms. As you or your dog walk through them, the panels separate and then close again behind you once you have passed through.
Screen Doors for Dogs
Dogs and screen doors are kind of like oil and vinegar: they don't mix very well together. Most dog owners who are also homeowners have had to deal with broken screens caused by their pets. Luckily, though, the problem is universal enough that several products have been developed to address the issue.