How to Get Over Grief for a Dead Dog

For many people, their dog is like their child. The only problem is that people are not meant to outlive their children. However, because dogs have a much shorter life than humans, it is natural to be overcome with feelings of devastation and grief when the dog passes away. There is no wrong or right way to deal with the grief that comes with losing a dog, however, there's no easy way either. But there are healthy ways to get over the grief of losing such a beloved companion.


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      Acknowledge your grief. Do not devalue the loss of your dog by telling yourself "It was just a dog" or "You can get another one." Loving your pet and grieving over your loss is normal and understandable. Caregivers develop and feel a deep level of companionship with their dogs. Losing this companionship can be devastating so it is important to acknowledge this loss in order to heal and move forward.

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      Express your grief. Reaching out to others can be helpful in overcoming your grief. Find support within your friends and family. Consider reaching out to a support group for others who have lost a dog.

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      Prepare a special memorial or funeral for your dog if you feel the need to have to have one.

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      Create a scrapbook or memory box dedicated to your dog. Fill it with pictures your dog.

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      Take good care of yourself and other pets you may have during this time of grief. It is important to stay in good physical health during your period of mourning. Eat balanced diet, exercise and get enough sleep.