Why Do Dogs Chew on Shoes?

Adding a dog as a member of the family can result in lots of joy and fun, not to mention added responsibilities. You will certainly want to provide your pet with a plethora of appropriate chew toys. It may not stop him from gnawing on your shoes, however. Understanding the reasons your dog finds your shoes attractive may help you prevent him from chewing them.
  1. Teething

    • A teething puppy or young dog will seek out items to chew to help alleviate the painful or itchy feeling inside her mouth. To a dog seeking relief from sore gums, a soft tennis shoe or leather shoes with rubber soles may appear to be the perfect items to chew on.


    • When a dog is by himself, he will look for ways to be entertained. Many dogs turn to chewing. If your shoe is in a place that can be reached, it may seem like the perfect item for your pet to entertain himself with.


    • If your dog does not get regular exercise via daily walks, or if she is alone for extended amounts of time, she is likely to feel anxious. Chewing is a natural way a dog focuses her energy and relieves anxiety. If your shoe is in the vicinity, it will likely be among the objects she chooses.


    • Many dog toys look like everyday objects such as sneakers and hot dogs. If you leave your running shoes around the house within your dog's reach, chances are that he will see no difference between chewing your real shoe and the fake rubber shoe you bought for him.


    • Dogs like to be around their owners and can find the scent of their people comforting. When your dog is home alone or even in a different room of the house than you are, he may seek out your shoe as a chew toy simply because it smells like you.