Supplies Needed for a New Puppy

Bringing home a new puppy can be an exciting time for the whole family. By now, you've at least chosen a breed or narrowed down your choices and you may even have your veterinarian chosen as well. Raising a puppy takes time, effort and a lot of supplies.
  1. Food

    • Puppy chow is important. Do your research on your chosen breed and choose a dog food that will accommodate your puppy's needs. If you're unsure, ask your veterinarian for recommendations. Don't forget bowls for food and water.


    • In addition to a collar and leash, your dog must have a name tag. Include your puppy's name, your name and phone numbers where you can be reached.


    • Most veterinarians and trainers will recommend crate training. Crates should be specific to your puppy's needs. Bedding is also recommended, however, avoid expensive or fancy bedding until your puppy is grown. Puppies are likely to destroy the first few beds.


    • Toys are essential in puppy development. Aim to get toys that focus on hunting and play instincts and any other toys that will actively engage your new puppy. Chew toys are especially important, particularly if you cannot be with him at all times.

    Training Materials

    • Choose books that suit the intended training style you wish to use for your dog. Follow through with recommended training and avoid switching methods unless the method simply isn't working. Otherwise, your dog may become confused or frustrated.