About Electronic Pet Doors for Dogs

Pet doors can offer a significant improvement in quality-of-life for dogs, but, historically, they've also included a lot of negative aspects. On the plus side, dogs have less indoor accidents when they can go outside to relieve themselves. Pet doors give them a greater independence for when they play and when they rest. At the same time, conventional flap doors can leak a great deal of the home's heating and cooling. Furthermore, neighbors' pets, stray pets and wild animals can wonder in the house in search of food, and burglars may view it as an easy entry point.
Electronic pet doors offer all the benefits of a pet door without any of the setbacks. Here's an overview of what you can expect from an electronic doggie door.
  1. Customizable Access

    • Certain electronic pet doors, such as the Power Pet, include a customizable access panel that give you a great deal of control over the door at all times. Specifically, the panel lets you set four different options on the door: Full in and out options (pets may enter and exit the home at their leisure); In only (pets may enter the home, but it will remain locked if they exit); Out only (pets may exit the home, but once they're outside, they cannot re-enter); Closed and Locked (the pet door will remain shut).
      Keep in mind that not all electronic doggie doors include this many options. Check the features of any electronic pet door before purchasing.

    Pet Activated

    • Electronic dog doors are made so that they will only open when your dog is nearing them. When your dog is playing in the front yard or napping in the living room, the door will remain shut regardless of who comes tapping.

    Keeps Out Stray Pets

    • Electronic pet doors function similar to electric fences. They sense a receiver located on the dog's collar and respond accordingly. To put it simply, an electronic pet door will only open to pets with a special collar.

    Same Collar Works with Electric Fences

    • Some electronic pet doors work in congruence with your electric fence. With this added benefit, your pet won't require an additional tag on their collar. One tag sets the boundaries outside and gives them access in and out of the home.

    Intruder Proof for Extra Security

    • Small children may view the doggie door as a portal to the outside world, but an electronic pet door would keep them safely in the home. If you own a bigger dog, it is possible that a human could fit through the door and burglarize the home. Since electronic dog doors require a collar in order to open, it does not lower the overall security of the domicile.