Home-Made Dog Costume Ideas

If you're dressing your pet up for Halloween, you can make very simple costumes or very complex costumes for a canine's trick-or-treat delight.

Just ensure your pet's safety. Don't dress your dog in anything that may be hazardous to him or that may cause him to trip or fall. Don't cover his eyes. He needs to be able to see where he's going

If your dog going out on Halloween, ensure she's accompanied by an adult. Don't take her to parties, crowded places or other activities that may frighten her.
  1. Simple

    • A white sheet with holes cut out for eyes quickly turns a four-legged friend into a ghost. A piece of red fabric can quickly become a superdog costume. Or, a piece of black fabric can become a vampire's cape. Top the dog's black-caped costume with a graduation cap and put a pair of glasses without lenses your pet on and you've got a scholar. A black cape could also make your dog into Zorro with the simple addition of a black mask. You can make this with an additional piece of black fabric with eyeholes cut into it. You might consider topping the costume off with a black hat. You could use a simple white cape and a piece of Christmas tinsel for a halo to easily turn your pet into an angel.


    • Your dog can quickly become a cowboy if you tie a bandana around his neck and slap on a hat. You can attach a small piece of elastic to help him keep his hat on.

      Using a gauzy material in pinks or blues---or even red---you can turn your dog into a member of a harem. Use part of the material to make a long skirt and a veil. You could use white material and the same concept to turn her into a bride.

      Making your dog into a king a queen for the evening is fairly simple. Take a nice red or purple material and sew or glue a white collar onto it. You can make a crown out of cardboard and spray-paint it gold or find a small plastic crown for a low price at a craft store. Use a piece of elastic to hold the crown on the dog's head.


    • Buy your dog a red hooded sweatshirt that fits her well. Make dozens of small black circles and glue them onto the shirt. Using pipe cleaners as antenna, attach a small round Styrofoam ball to the end of each and run them through the hood of the sweatshirt to create antenna. Your pooch is now a ladybug.

      Using a yellow sweatshirt instead, line it with black electric tape to create a bumblebee. Attach yellow fuzzy balls, available in craft stores, to the ends of the pipe cleaner antenna.

      With an orange sweatshirt, you can dress your dog as a scarecrow. Stuff straw into the cuffs of the sleeves, neck and waistband. Top off the look with a straw hat.