PWC Dog Leash Laws

Like most other counties in the United States, Prince William County (PWC) of Virginia has dog leash laws. What is different about PWC, however, is the way their laws are articulated. Rather than simply say you must keep your dog on a leash, PWC's law offers compelling and positive reasons for leashing your dog. Here are the seven points PWC makes.
  1. Birth Control

    • Random mating in dogs is problematic in many communities. Dogs in heat tend to wander and unwanted puppies are often the result. PWC says that keeping your dog on a leash when it is off your property is the best birth control method available.

    The Animal's Safety

    • A dog that is on a leash will not be able to run into traffic, which is the number one cause of canine accidents. PWC believes, therefore, that keeping your dog on a leash will save your dog pain and you veterinarian bills.

    Good Neighbor Policy

    • Dogs like to roam, and they have little awareness of flower beds and others' personal property. They often get excited around children and might play too roughly with them. They can also get aggressive with other animals. PWC says that if you want to be a good neighbor, the best way to do so is to keep your dog on a leash.

    Dog Identification

    • Dogs are supposed to wear identification tags attached to their collars. Although the collar is different from the leash, the requirement to wear a collar with ID tags is part of PWC's leash law, and ensures that if your dog is lost, it has a better chance of being returned to you if it has identification.

    Wildlife and Environmental Protection

    • Most dogs will chase deer, raccoon, cats, chickens and other animals if left unleashed. Some of these animals may be livestock and others may be protected by the law in other ways. PWC says that leashing your dog ensures the protection of your area's wildlife and environment.


    • Like children, dogs need limits. Keeping them on a leash helps to remind them that you are the Alpha, and they are safe with you. In the long run, PWC claims, the bond of safety that your dog develops with you will translate into a more affectionate and emotionally healthy pet.

    Crime Prevention

    • PWC's last rationale is a good example of reverse logic. If your dog is always on a leash when it is off of your property, then it is off leash when it is on your property. Because of this, your pet can roam your house and yard freely, and therefore become the best crime deterrent you could possibly have.