Non Toxic Flea Treatments

Fleas are tiny parasitic insects that draw blood from their host. They can be picked up outside, or when a new pet already infested with fleas is introduced to the home. Many commercial flea treatments on the market can be toxic to pets, humans and the environment. However, you can find non-toxic treatments that can effectively kill or control fleas.
  1. Essential Oils

    • Eucalyptus and pine essential oils are highly effective flea killers. But don't apply them directly to the pet's fur. Instead, make a flea shampoo by combining two to three drops of either essential oil to mild liquid soap. Soak your pet in water, and massage the shampoo into his fur. Rinse the shampoo from the pet, and repeat the process. Fleas will begin to gather on the head and nose of the animal to escape the shampoo. Pick them off and throw outside or rinse down the drain.


    • Rub a fresh sprig of pennyroyal over the fur of your pet once daily to repel fleas. Pennyroyal is a member of the mint family, and will not harm pets if used fresh. However, pennyroyal essential oil is highly concentrated and toxic, and should never be used on pets. Ensure that the pennyroyal is rubbed over the entire coat for best results.

    Nutritional Yeast and Garlic

    • According to Linda Page, author of Healthy Healing, a combination of nutritional yeast and garlic is an effective non-toxic flea treatment when administered orally. Combine ¼ tsp. nutritional yeast with ½ tsp. garlic powder and sprinkle over your pet's food three times a week The garlic will enter the animal's blood and repel fleas from feeding. Never add more garlic powder than specified, as too much can be harmful to your pet. If any side effects occur, cease treatment immediately.

    Diatomaceous Earth

    • Combine two parts diatomaceous earth, one part baking soda and one part cornstarch. Sprinkle the powder over infested carpets. Use a push broom to grind the powder as deeply into the carpet fibers as possible. Allow the mixture to remain on the carpet without vacuuming for at least 24 hours. Repeat as necessary.

      Diatomaceous earth is one of the most effective non-toxic flea treatments. It scratches the outer shell of flea larva, while the baking soda dehydrates and kills. The cornstarch acts as a carrier and will effectively spread the mixture to other fleas. You can find diatomaceous earth at hardware stores.

      Wear a particle mask before spreading, as breathing the dust directly can cause lung irritation. Do not apply the diatomaceous earth powder directly to the pet's skin, as it can cause significant irritation.