Pet Sitter Information

When it comes to finding a trustworthy qualified person to take care of your pet when you're away, it can be confusing and frustrating. Choosing a pet sitter over boarding gives your pet individual attention in a homey environment. Knowing what to look for in a pet sitter can put your mind at ease and make your separation as worry free as possible.
  1. What is a Pet Sitter?

    • A pet sitter is someone who either stays in your home or her own home and cares for your pets while you are away. A sitter will feed, exercise and generally care for your animal for a set fee.

    Pet Sitting vs. Boarding

    • When you board your pet, she is in a kennel or other cage appropriate to the species in a unit with many other animals. Sitters provide an opportunity for your pet to be in a home and get individual attention. If your pet is finicky about eating or is nervous around other animals, a pet sitter may be the answer.

    What to Look for in a Pet Sitter

    • Check with your vet for recommendations for pet sitters. The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters have a list of professional sitters available in your area. Call (800)-296-PETS for more information. The sitters should get along well with your pet and have a list of local clients that you can contact.


    • Prepare your pet sitter by providing her with a list of vets and emergency services as well as a phone number that you can be reached. Make sure food and treats are well stocked, and give your pet a chance to get to know the sitter by scheduling a meeting.


    • Make sure your pet has an up-to-date identification tag and give the sitter a record of current shots. Leave a note about any special dietary needs or if your pet has unusual habits.