Caring for a Cockapoo

Cockapoos have become very popular since the 1960s, and are one of the first "designer dog" breeds to have a breed registry: the Cockapoo Club of America. A cockapoo is usually a first-generation half poodle and half cocker spaniel cross, though there are some breeders producing second-generation cockapoos (meaning both parents are cockapoos). However, a cockapoo crossed with a cocker spaniel or a poodle is not considered a cockapoo.
  1. Health and nutrition

    • Depending on the size of the dogs used to breed your cockapoo, you will have to be on the lookout for the signs of any disease a cocker spaniel or poodle is predisposed to. If your cockapoo is half toy or miniature poodle, he may be predisposed to patellar luxation, hypoglycemia, mitral valve disease and urolithiasis. If he is half standard poodle, your cockapoo may be predisposed to gastric dilatation volvulus (also known as bloat). Obesity is also a problem for cockapoos. Though cockapoos do not need as much exercise as more excitable breeds, it is a good idea to walk them every day to help stave off obesity.


    • Cockapoos generally need professional grooming about once a month, as both poodles and cocker spaniels require extensive grooming. Their coat types range from tight curls to loose curls to wavy to straight, but no matter the type of hair, most owners choose to keep their cockapoos in puppy cuts. Between grooming appointments, cockapoos should be brushed often to prevent mats, especially if the dog has a longer coat. Happily, however, cockapoos shed very little, or may not shed at all. Cockapoos may have problems with tear stains, which can be cleaned with tear stain cleaning products. Also, since cockapoos have floppy ears, their ears should be cleaned often.


    • Cockapoos are easy to train due to high intelligence and moderate energy levels. A consistent training program will teach your cockapoo about the basic commands "sit," "stay," "down," "wait," "come" and how to walk on a leash. Cockapoos should be well socialized from a young age with other animals and all ages of people. After good socialization, cockapoos work well in any household.