Original Names for Dogs

According to more than 450,000 pet insurance records at VIP Pet Health Insurance, the most popular dog names are Jake, Bailey, Max, Lola, Bella, Lucy and Buster. It seems that "people names" have become all the rage for dogs. If you want to follow the trend but show a little originality, consider some of the following choices.
  1. Literary Names

    • Heathcliff and Daisy come immediately to mind, thanks to "Wuthering Heights" and "The Great Gatsby." Or you could opt for the actual author's name: "Bronte! Fitzgerald! Come!"

    Celebrity Names

    • Diva names work well for the fussy, self-important dog. Cher, Beyonce, Mariah ... or maybe just plain Diva. And don't forget the male divas: Elton or Prince, perhaps.

    Sports Star Names

    • Perhaps it's more of a cat name, but Tiger might work for the strong, focused dog. Other athletically inclined dogs might resonate with Venus or A-Rod.

    Political Names

    • Celebrate your party affiliation with a political name. "W," Clinton or McCain make suitable dog names, or you can borrow from the first dog and choose Bo.

    Biblical Names

    • St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, might enjoy being a namesake to one of his beloved animals. Hubert is the little known patron saint of dogs and hunters, and St. Roch is the patron saint of dog lovers.

    Mythological Names

    • Zeus and Athena are always good choices, but some lesser known gods include Dagan, a Babylonian god of the Earth; Neptune, god of the sea; and Freya, a Nordic goddess of love.