Home Remedies for Pet Dogs

There are a number of home remedies for pet dogs that can be used for everything from quickly getting rid of skunk odor to dealing with fleas, deer mites and ticks. There are some situations where home and natural remedies are not the best idea for a pet dog, but many common problems can be resolved with natural home remedies, according to The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies.
  1. Warning

    • Some conditions and symptoms, such as difficulty giving birth, bloody stools, seizures, severe diarrhea and abdominal swelling require the immediate assistance of a vet.


    • There are a number of ways to remove ticks from your dog at home, according to The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies. Combing your dog's fur after an outdoor run, gently pulling them out yourself or using a flea bath are all effective home remedies.

    Sores from Itching

    • Sometimes a dog can hurt herself by scratching excessively. After you are sure the underlying problem (like fleas) has been treated, clip off the fur from the wounded area, wash it with warm water and apply a gentle astringent or aloe formula for pets to dry it out.


    • Mats, which are tangled clumps of fur, should be cut vertically, according to The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies. Before doing this, try to de-mat your dog's fur with your fingers and apply a protein-lanolin spray.

    Ear Mites

    • To treat your dog's ear mites at home, mix 400 international units of vitamin E and ½ ounce of almond oil into a dropper bottle. For three days, put a dropperful or two of this solution in your dog's ears.