How to Live With Saint Bernards

The Saint Bernard is a big dog with a friendly personality and a highly developed sense of smell. From its origins as a work and rescue dog in the Swiss Alps, it is today a breed officially recognized by the American Kennel Club. With proper training and health maintenance, living with a Saint Bernard can be enjoyable.


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      Obtain walking equipment for a Saint Bernard that is appropriate for the age of the Saint Bernard you are living with. If the Saint Bernard is still growing, remember to replace the equipment later on.

      Also acquire cleaning equipment such as sponges, soap and paper towels as well as newspaper. Make sure you have grooming equipment such as brushes, nail clippers and tooth cleaning products.

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      Purchase food that is appropriate for a Saint Bernard's nutritional needs along with a food dish and water dish or dispenser so the dog always has water.

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      Get bedding for a full-sized Saint Bernard. Provide toys for the Saint Bernard; it is an intelligent dog that needs mental stimulation. Select toys appropriate for the dog's age.

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      Set up the living space for the Saint Bernard in an area with a tiled or hardwood floor. Saint Bernards have a problem with drooling, so having a non-absorbent floor where it eats and rests makes cleaning up after it easier. Spread newspaper under eating and drinking dishes. Also, make sure that its living space is climate controlled so that it does not overheat. Saint Bernard dogs do not do well in warm weather.

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      Find out what vaccinations are necessary for a Saint Bernard, when it needs them and whether your Saint Bernard needs any of these vaccinations.

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      Begin to teach the dog the necessary do's and don'ts. Train it not to chase things unless directed. Get it used to being around people. Teach it not to jump on people and not to try to sit on your lap. House train the Saint Bernard. Get it used to being groomed, so it behaves during bathing, trimming or teeth cleaning.

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      Make sure you have sufficiently large means for transporting the Saint Bernard to places such as the vet and a dog park. Walk and play with your dog regularly to keep it fit. Clean its eyes, feed it as directed on the dog food container and clip its nails regularly.