How to Create a Checklist for a Dog Sitter

When you go away and leave your beloved dog in the care of a sitter, you want to make sure that he will be looked after during your absence. In order to help ensure that your pet gets the care he needs, you should consider making a checklist. The following steps provide useful guidelines for a dog sitter.


    • 1

      List any medications that your dog is taking. Include how many dosages a day your pet is supposed to take, what the dosages are and what times they are supposed to be administered. Since some animals don't take medicine easily, write down any tricks that you have to do to administer it, such as putting it in a piece of meat.

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      Write what time your pet has to be let out or walked. Some dogs are on a schedule and go to the bathroom at certain times. If you leave the information for the dog sitter, it will help to ensure that there are no messes left on the floor.

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      Include the number to your vet along with the number to an emergency vet hospital. Should there be any problems, your dog sitter would only waste time trying to find the information. If you have it already written down, you can make sure that it is easily accessible.

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      Write down your dog's health conditions. You want to make certain that the sitter doesn't pick your dog up the wrong way or move him incorrectly if he has a certain type of condition. For example, if your dog just had surgery or has a sore paw, include what it is along with any details that you feel are pertinent.

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      Leave information on how to prepare your pet's food. Include where the pet food is and what time your dog has to eat. Make sure to include information on how often your dog should get a treat.