How to Care For a Miniature Doxie Weiner Dog

Dachshunds come in both miniature and standard sizes and a variety of coats and colors. These loyal, loving animals have been an American favorite for many years and always seem to attract attention when taken out in public. Some call them doxies, some call them dachshunds, some call them weiner dogs.... whatever you call them, there's nothing quite like a weenie...

Things You'll Need

  • a weiner dog
  • love
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      Call your doxie over to you in an excited voice. When he comes over, give him lots of love and petting. Give him a bath with a high quality pet shampoo, and then, instead of toweling him dry, place a bath towel or two on the floor, and allow him to roll and burrow in the towel to dry himself. One your doxie has dried himelf, try brushing him with a pet brush; it feels good to them and helps distribute the oils, giving them a nice shiny coat. There are slightly different grooming techniques used for a wire haired dachshund versus a smooth or long coat dachshund, but you can be certain that your dog will appreciate any attention that you will give him.

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      Tell your doxie how much you love and appreciate him. Rub that special spot behind his ears. Scratch his neck. Tell him he's so... LONG! What better compliment can you possibly give your weiner dog? Interaction with your pet is extremely important, and they love every minute of it. Try a dog training class, it will help enhance discipline and bonding. Give plenty of belly rubs, and scratches. Silly talk is a plus. Take your weiner dog out to your local pet supply store and pick up a new dog toy. You can try a Kong filled with peanut butter, or a dried pig ear or rawhide. Grab a tennis ball or two and maybe a rope bone. Your doxie won't be picky; anything will do. You might want to take a moment and get him a new leash and collar and a new pet identification tag to match.

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      Allow your weiner dog uninhibited access to your blankets. If you're feeling particularly giving, lift up a small section of your blankets so that the weenie can burrow underneath until he feels secure. Most weenies don't require any assistance in getting underneath your blankets, pillows or laundry.

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      Be sure to feed your dachshund a high quality pet food in order to ensure good health. Pet foods that are high in calcium are helpful to keep your pet's bones extra strong. Pet food can be a large expense when you have a pet, so shop around in your local pet food stores and look for pet food online to compare prices so that you can get the most for your budget. Purchasing pet food in bulk can also help you save some money.

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      Treats! Weiner dogs love treats. You'd be surprised how many tricks they can pull out of their little hats in exchange for some dog treats! Cheese, Beggin' Strips, some of your sandwich? Your pet will definitely accept just about anything tasty that you will offer him.

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      Walks in the park are always appreciated, as are local weiner conventions. Some dog parks have special days dedicated to certain breeds, where dog lovers can unite with their pets for a great time. Be proud of your weiner dog!