How to Make a Care Sheet for a Yorkie Puppy

A care sheet is a sheet of paper that you will fill out with a breeder when you purchase a Yorkie puppy. It will contain all the vital information on your dog and help you make sure that you are continuing to help the puppy grow in a healthy, happy manner.


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      Ask about vaccination dates. You need a comprehensive list of where your puppy was vaccinated and what shots he still needs. Record these on your care sheet so that you can provide them to your veterinarian upon request. This will also help you determine where your puppy can go, as Yorkies that have not had all their shots are more suscpetible to illness.

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      Find out what your puppy has been eating. Especially when your Yorkie puppy first comes home with you, she will likely be a finicky eater due to the stress of her new surroundings. Continuing to feed her the food that she is already used to will help her stomach stay settled. If you decide to begin feeding her a different food, you may wish to mix the two together until she is used to the different diet.

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      Determine how much is in a serving for your Yorkie. The breeder should be able to tell you how much food your puppy is eating in a meal. This will help you avoid over- or under-feeding. Feeding your Yorkie too much can result in more accidents inside as well as a generally upset stomach. Under-feeding will keep your puppy sad and hungry.

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      Ask about karo syrup in his water. Many breeders give their Yorkie puppies water laced with karo syrup to help prevent hypoglycemia. You will need to phase this out in order to prevent cavities in your Yorkie. However, if your puppy has been used to sweet water then you will have to phase it out gradually or he will simply refuse to drink.

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      Request basic grooming instructions. Most Yorkie puppies have a simple "puppy cut" that will require regular trimming but no excessive styling. Ask the breeder about how the puppy is used to being groomed and when they recommend you start a more complicated style should you wish to do so. This will help you work with your puppy to get her used to being groomed without scaring or upsetting her.