How to Adopt a Dog From Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue

Adopting a dog from a rescue organization is an exciting and serious decision. Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue, Inc. (RRR) and Ridgeback Rescue of the United States (RRUS) are organizations dedicated to matching homeless dogs with the right families. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is typically an even-tempered dog that is devoted to its family. However, there are some issues to consider before you bring a rescued Ridgeback home.


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      Before deciding to adopt, you should decide if a rescue dog is right for you. First, are you hoping for a puppy? If so, rescue is probably not your best option. Rescue organizations rarely receive puppies; most rescue dogs are between 2 and 6 years of age. However, adopting an adult dog can have benefits. For example, caring for adult dogs can be easier than caring for puppies because older dogs are already housebroken. That said, some adult dogs may have initial problems settling into a new home. Dogs that were previously abused or neglected will need even more patience, as will dogs with medical conditions. If you decide that adopting a rescue dog isn't for you, you can look into obtaining a dog from a breeder or reputable pet shop.

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      Once you have determined that you want to rescue a dog, you should consider the qualities of the breed. Think about whether a Rhodesian Ridgeback will fit into your lifestyle, and whether you will be able to provide everything a Ridgeback needs. For example, Ridgebacks are athletic and muscular--they were initially bred to hunt lions. This means that a Ridgeback will need a lot of exercise. Also, Rhodesian Ridgebacks tend to have a sensitive side, so they need patience, praise, and rewards. Ridgebacks also benefit from socialization and obedience training. For the right family, a Rhodesian Ridgebacks can make a great pet, but they are not the dog for everyone. To learn more about this breed, see the resources below.

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      When you are ready to rescue a Rhodesian Ridgeback, there are two major organizations you can consult: RRR and RRUS. These organizations have ties with local rescue groups around the country. The website for each organization (see resources below) has online adoption applications. The applications are very thorough and ask questions about your lifestyle, family, other pets, and plans for the care of a Ridgeback. Additionally, you will need to provide references. You can also note your wishes, such as a gender preference or your willingness to care for a sick dog. If your application is approved, you will have to pay an adoption fee, which varies with the age and condition of the dog. Then, you can plan to bring home the newest member of your family, knowing that you are making a difference in the life of a homeless dog.