How to Care for Pets While on Vacation

Taking a vacation can be one of the most fun experiences but what about your pets? It can add stress to your vacation wondering what is going on with your pets while you’re away. If you follow a few simple rules, it can be a stress-free vacation, which is what vacations are for in the first place. Enjoy your time away from home and follow these tips to ensure that your pets are well taken care of while they’re home alone.


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      Choose a sitter. The most stress-free pets are usually taken care of at home. If you have a family member that might be willing to do this for you, be sure to ask them first. Offer a payment for their time and be sure to draw out exactly what is expected of them and agree on what price is suitable for this. If you don’t have anyone that can help you, try a local pet sitting service. Make sure they have references and do a walk through of their facility beforehand. If they don’t have an office, be sure to meet with the person that you are considering to care for your pets. Divulge any information that is useful such as the type of pets you have and how many.

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      Have their food ready. You should always make it as easy as possible for the pet sitter that is coming to your home. If you have specific food that your pet eats, make sure that it is in an accessible area and the amount and times each day are written down so that your pet sitter can find them. It’s best if the person watching your pet(s) can come over a day or so ahead and see where everything is kept. If you have food that needs to be prepared, it will be easier if you have this ready before you leave. You can put the individual portions in a Ziploc bag and then the sitter can just use each amount that is specified. If your pets are fish, make sure they know where the food is kept and how much your fish get each day, as well as the location of any frozen foods.

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      Make a list. Make a list of anything that your pet sitter will need to know such as medication, emergency numbers and little things that might need to be done such as cleaning up after your pet or even letting them out for a certain period each day. If you normally walk your dogs an hour a night, you’ll want to be sure that you let the sitter know that this is something that needs to be done, then make sure they are paid accordingly. An agency will have a set price but a family member is someone you’d need to compensate a little extra for anything above and beyond just feeding and checking on. Always find out the protocol for emergencies should one arise if you are using a sitter. If it’s a friend or family member, make sure to let them know which vet you use.

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      Give it a personal touch. Make sure your sitter knows about any special rules. If your dogs are not allowed into your bedroom after they’ve been outside then let the sitter know. If your dog has a special toy that they like, make sure the sitter knows where it’s kept. Perhaps your fish tank has a certain chemical you add daily. This is something you should let them know.