How to Introduce a Pet Rabbit to a Dog

When you bring home your pet rabbit, you want him to get used to his new family as soon as possible. If there are other pets in the house, they need to be socialized with the new bunny. A dog and a bunny can learn to get along as well as a cat and dog. It helps if your dog is a laid back animal who isn't all that interested in eating the new rabbit. But, even with a dog that has a high prey drive, with you there to guide the new friendship, your dog and bunny may grow to be lifelong friends. Here are some ideas for making a peaceful union between the two that will endure.

Things You'll Need

  • baby gate
  • cage
  • litter box
  • treats
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    • 1

      Take the bunny into an enclosed area, such as the kitchen or a hallway. Set the cage down. Call your dog over to come and sniff the bunny inside the cage. The dog will be very interested in this new friend. Talk to your dog gently, and give him a few treats if he behaves himself.

    • 2

      Put a baby gate up to contain yourself and your pets in the kitchen or hallway. Open the door of the cage and let your dog stick his nose inside. Praise him if he remains calm and keeps wagging his tail.

    • 3

      Take the bunny out of the cage and allow the dog to smell it. If your dog gets too excited, you might need an assistant to hold the dog so the bunny remains safe. If things are going well, pet both bunny and dog, and let them get used to each other.

    • 4

      Set the bunny on the floor and keep control of your dog. Let the dog follow the bunny and sniff him as he bounces around. Set out a litter box for the bunny to jump into and out of.

    • 5

      Give the pets a few minutes together, then return the bunny to his cage. Increase the amount of time the pets see each other every day. Soon, the dog will think of the bunny as a member of the pack. The dog may become indifferent to the rabbit, and the rabbit may become attached to the dog. However, they should always be supervised together.