How to Love A Pitbull

The biggest misconception about pitbulls is that they are mean and will attack any chance they get. This is simply not true about this breed of dog. A pitbull, like any other dog, will only show aggression towards humans if the dog has been abused at some point in its life. A pitbull will love you if you show that you love the dog back by taking care of it.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Food bowl
  • Water bowl
  • High quality dog kibble
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Collar
  • Large dog toys
  • Double knotted dog rope
  • Large bone
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    • 1

      Train your pitbull to obey voice commands. Take your pitbull to obedience school as soon as possible. Training your pitbull with a professional is better than trying to do it yourself; a trainer has experience working with all types of dogs. Give your pitbull a treat and praise him for obeying a command. A pitbull loves to please its master. Ignore your pitbull if it misbehaves. Praise him constantly for doing good because he will respond to positive reinforcement.

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      Socialize your pitbull as much as possible when the dog is young. Exposing the dog to all types of people will help it develop an even temper. Avoid letting your pitbull roam free. Keep your pitbull on a leash in public at all times to show people how well behaved the dog is.

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      Run or walk with your dog for 30-45 minutes a day. Exercising with your dog will make both of you happy. Play tug-of-war with your pitbull using a rope with two knotted ends. Playing with your pitbull will keep the dog from becoming bored and getting into mischief. Purchase larger size toys; the dog can tear apart and choke on smaller toys and bones.

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      Feed your pitbull one to two times a day. Large dogs tend to eat fewer meals than other animals but do eat large portions of food each meal. Feed your pitbull a high quality dog kibble. Check the nutrition facts on the side of the kibble package to make sure the food has at least 30% crude protein and that the first ingredient listed is meat. Add cottage cheese or yogurt once a day to help your dog eat a well balanced meal. Keep water available at all times so the dog doesn't get dehydrated.

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      Teach your children how to behave around your pitbull. Stop your child or any other child if they are yelling, pulling ears, kicking or teasing the dog. Eventually, the pitbull will get upset and nip. Show your children how to properly love the pitbull by scratching it behind the ears or rubbing its belly. Supervise children at all times when they're playing with the dog to be sure everyone is having a good time.