How to Teach a Dog to Get in the Pool

Nothing says summer like a cool swimming pool and your dog leaping in to swim with you. But what happens when you can't get your dog anywhere near the pool? Some breeds are natural swimmers and some breeds are definitely not swimmers. You may have a dog that is a mixed breed that loves the water but can't figure out how to get into that intimidating blue pool. It's best if you check into the specific breed of dog you have to see if the breed will ever master the art of swimming. If your dog seems like the type, but has just never been introduced to the pool, then you can teach your dog to get in using a leash, some treats, and some patience on your part. Repetition and your gentle guidance will ease his fears!

Things You'll Need

  • leash
  • treats
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  1. How to Teach a Dog to Get In the Pool

    • 1

      Leash your dog and lead him over to the pool, talking happily to your dog.

    • 2

      Even when he starts pulling back, encourage him forward with your voice, without tugging on the leash. When he takes a step forward, give him a treat. He'll learn that walking right with you toward the pool means getting treats! Take it in steps until he can get to the edge of the pool. Sit there with him, petting him and giving him treats. Put your feet in the pool, and let him watch you. Quit for the day, this is enough.

    • 3

      The next day, repeat steps 1 and 2. Once you're at the pool with your feet in, walk down the first two steps, calling your dog with you and pulling the leash a bit. He'll come forward and may try to retreat. When he comes forward, give a treat! Help him by putting his front feet into the water on the first step.

    • 4

      If you can get through steps 1-3, swim out into the pool calling your dog, and pull the leash with you. He'll have no choice but to follow you. As soon as his whole body is in, show him how to turn around and get back out. You did it!

    • 5

      Repeat steps 1-4 often enough that your dog will willingly get in with the leash slack. Try calling him without the leash! He should get in readily.Instead of food treats in the water, throw a tennis ball, and watch him swim to get it.