How to Walk an Old Dog

Whether you've had your dog her entire life, or you've just gotten an older dog and brought her home, life can be wonderful with the aging dog. No longer as needy as a puppy, an older dog has already seen and done it all, and is usually content just to lay around wherever you are. In return for this endless supply of dog love, you can perk up your old dog's day by taking her on a walk. Just because she's old doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy a nice saunter through the neighborhood or a gentle hike. As long as you go easy with your ancient friend, a little exercise will do both of you some good.


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      Clip on the leash and take her out front. An old dog is just happy to be going out with you. She could care less about the squirrels running around or the postman walking by. This can make a walk a relaxing activity for the two of you.

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      An older dog can sometimes be arthritic, so keep your walk slower and shorter than you would normally walk.

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      You can take your older dog on a hike as long as it's not too taxing. Sometimes an older dog will be gung ho about running up the mountain, but the next day she might be sore, so help her to take it easy.If there's a lake on your hike, let her swim. This is a great activity for an older dog.

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      If you're going to walk off-leash on a trail, make sure your dog can hear you well (some dogs lose their hearing in old age) and make sure she's not getting senile. The last thing you want is to be calling your dog who can't hear you or has forgotten who you are, or where she is. If your dog is mentally fine and hears well at home, then enjoy the trail with no worries.

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      Bring treats. Your dog will think this is the best day ever.